Originally Posted By: doug747
Off the top of my head for Andale:
Clay Center
Tulsa Union
Garden City
Rose Hill
Bishop Carroll
4A Regional (which X man will point out isn't as tough as 5a or 6a)
4A State (which X man will point out isn't as tough as 5a or 6a)

Oh, wait, if Goddard is 4a this year, 4a will be the toughest........

ps been a while since I posted, figured I might try to get Coach X's blood pressure up.........

So, what's with this doug747?

Sorry for the belated response doug747. I have been reassigned at work and I have more responsibilities now which has caused me to become disconnected somewhat with good old usawks.com. I am now finally starting to get caught up so I thought I would get reconnected so to speak. So I got on and started looking around and look what I found. Came across your comment/dig and of course was a little tickled and excited. I do know the really belated nature of any response makes it almost pointless, but I didn't want to let you down by not responding. You definitely deserve some kind of response doug747 because you are V.I.P., so here it is.

As for getting my blood pressure up doug747, you can forget about that. That ain't happening. I am way to busy to worry about your tickie tack comment, or anyone else's for that matter.

Of course doug747 you know that I never said that 5A or 6A were tougher than 4A, just that they are as tough for sure. I will never conceed that 4A is tougher, that is really for sure. Maybe it used to be back in the day, but certainly not now. Anybody that still thinks that is clearly living in the past and needs to get out of denial. Chief's rankings verify that. They are equally tough and it really depends on the year and the weight. Of course a combined 5A/6A class would be much tougher than 4A and would be ridiculously unfair, even though life is not supposed to be fair right.

If Goddard were in 4A doug747 that would not necessarily make it the toughest, but it would certainly be tougher. Now if Goddard, Ark City and Andover Central all went to 4A, then it would be the toughest. But they are all in 5A, so you can figure that out. Plus with St. Thomas, St. James and Newton in 5A, it's pretty much a no brainer. And plus now with St. James in 5A, Will C. will probably conceed finally that 4A is not the toughest, but we'll see I guess.

Hey though doug747, have a great day and a great season! Best wishes to you and your family!