Originally Posted By: doug747
I hope you're not saying that I was one of those that says to combine them, cause I don't believe I ever said that. I would like for them to (and I don't know if I ever publicly said this either) do two regionals, and take top 8, so that we didn't leave any of the tough guys at home........Or should I say tougher guys. ALL wrestlers are tough, or they wouldn't step on the mat.

No my good friend I was certainly not suggesting that you were one who said combine them. I know good and well that you are more connected than that because you are V.I.P. doug747. I just thought that was a great opportunity for me to throw that out again.

Agree we should do 2 regionals with 8 each qualifying. That would avoid the whole weak regional thing and ensure we would have a better chance of making sure the best get there and that a tough or tougher guy was not left home.

Agree also that all wrestlers are tough, that is those that stay out and actually compete/step on the mat.