I wasn't bashing new parents that are learning. I was bashing parents that were out Trophy Hunting. I was bashing Novice as a whole. I am pretty sure that 5,6, and 7 years olds are not reading this thread, so I am not bashing the kids either. The kids are just doing what the adults have them do. There are No Novice Football games,Novice baseball games or Novice b@$*%&ball games. Why should we have Novice Wrestling? So everybody feels like they did well? The only reason I see for Novice, is it is a good money maker. Some Momma's and Daddy's don't mind paying an extra $15 for a chance to win an easy medal. Crap, in Oklahoma where they have a standard for being novice, I have seen dad's forfeit a match so the child would not win and still be considered novice. RIDICULOUS!!!

Unnecessary Roughness is Necessary