My son, Johnny Perz joined the 100 win club this weekend. He might have set a state record by winning 97 of those matches by exactly one point. (At least it seemed to me to be about 97). He overcame a few obstacles before becoming a competent wrestler; he literally went 2-7 in his second year of wresting in NOVICE as a 7 year old & in general, the athletic-gene pool was very unfair to him. I have often been told that I look like an unathletic & out of shape version of Don Knotts. Johnny never won an open tourney until 8th grade, his eighth year of wrestling.
All of that said, I could not be more proud of my son.
However, the impetus of this tribute was not for my son but to honor & thank the people that allow these dreams to be realized. My kid wrestled 8 years of kids club; 3 years with Jim Phillips (BV Kids club) & then 5 years with Sean McCarthy (STA Kids club). Both of these individuals are x-college wrestlers that donate endless hours of their life to run a club, providing the expert coaching guidance. Both had a clearly stated policy of 'keep wrestling fun while they're young so they continue to wrestle, hopefully thru high school'. Many people think of teachers as unsung heros. I'm not meaning to take anything from a teacher, but how about the Jims & Seans of the world doing all of this for free? I'd be remiss to not also thank their better halves, Naomi & Jill for putting up with this hobby that consumes a near infinite amount of their husband's time.
This might sound corny; Johnny's life & my life are much more fulfilled by having the good fortune of having Jim & Sean in our lives. Jim & Sean have done some important parenting for me by teaching my boy that repeated hard work, done on an intelligent path will pay off over time.
I know that there is an army of "Jims & Seans" in this very cool world of wrestling, like the well respected Charlie Knox and perhaps about a gadzillion other quality individuals. Jim & Sean were the individuals that coached/mentored my son. But for all of you overworked & underpaid Jims & Seans that make wrestling such a great sport, I send to you a very heart felt T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U!!!
Sincerely, Kevin Perz