Originally Posted By: el scorcho
I agree with Rford. I referee kids wrestling and you see it quite a bit of kids hitting moves and not really establishing control. I would have awarded 2 reversal, but no back points. I don't believe I would have decided it was control and began counting before time expired. I understand Martinmom, that it is frustrating when you think you get jobbed by the official. I believe he made the right call in a tough spot. Sorry for your son. But yelling at the official and then blasting him and the tourney on the internet is not the way to handle it, very unprofessional.

Whoa! First of all, no one ever yelled at the official...as stated earlier they were quick to hand out disciplinary warnings and we did not receive one, so I don't think anyone had a problem with the way we questioned his call. Secondly, I did not come on here and "blast" him or the tournament. I stated that the tournament had great competition, besides the complaint I had regarding officials I thought it was a well ran tournament and will most likely attend again next year. I know full well the pressure that is put on a kids wrestling official, and I too agree with RFord that it is probably one of the toughest officiating positions. I also agree that judgment calls are almost always going to upset one side or the other. I understand all of this as we have had our fair share on both sides of the call...My son has been wrestling for 6 years and this is the first time I have complained about anything on here. My major frustration with the official lies with the fact that if an official is not experienced enough to recognize a Granby, then he probably should get some experience working some smaller, smoker tournaments before moving up to these larger tournaments.

So the mat officials call on this match was awarding 2 points green on the end of the Granby that was initiated by red. If you truly agree with that I would like to hear your logic. And I'm not saying that derogatorily, you would just be the first one to step up and say that you agree with what he called and I would like to have your input as to why you think green should have been awarded the 2 back points.
