Will, I agree with you 100% on the fact that the current rules for middle school wrestling needs changed.

Keeping in mind what middle school athletics is; an opportunity for kids to try different sports before high school when then they will need to commit to 1 sport each season. I would argue that even though there are rules in place KSHSAA recognizes middle school is a different animal and will not come down with the mighty hammer as they might for a high school violation. The true problem is by not having consistency across the state with respect to timing of the season while still having the rules on the books on competing outside we put our kids at a disadvantage. 80%-85% of middle school programs have an early season therefore allowing kids to join club during the meat of the season. The pioneer league along with a few others still choose to compete during Jan-Feb. This in my mind puts our kids at a huge disadvantage compared to the others across the state that are sharpening their skills against the best. In a perfect world the middle school program would provide an opportunity for kids to try it and learn while at the same time providing those that are further along an opportunity to continue to push themselves. The latter is very difficult under today’s restrictions or at least the perception of these restrictions. There are several threads on here about the pros and cons of middle school and I don’t mean to rehash them but after hours and hours last year working with our league’s ADs I have little to show for it other than frustration and disappointment. When all said and done the main reasons for not willing to change the season was scheduling. Getting teachers and administration to work the additional events during the early season. A reason I will never understand especially considering that we agreed on we should be doing what’s best for our kids.

Sporto, in addition to Tracy’s very valid reasons. I will give you one more. My son. After years of coaching and supporting my son in his decision to wrestle middle school for the last two years I can tell you for a fact his skills not only didn’t improve he went backwards. This isn’t a knock on the coaches but a knock on the system. With that said, my son benefited from many other things that middle school team has to offer and think that was great. It’s just a shame that we can’t have the best of both worlds especially when the solution seems so easy. Until then I would encourage everyone to take advantage of any opportunity to better themselves. If you have concerns regarding open rooms call Mark Lentz, he was very helpful in answering my questions last year.