Maybe we should not allow any middle schoolers to wrestle kids series, do open rooms, OR work out in their bsmt with their friends or brothers. And since there are a couple of different seasons, we probably should not let any middle schoolers to wrestle anything except middle school during their season, and once their season is over, they shouldn't be allowed to practice with their club team during the other schools' season as well, because there is a good chance that they will improve, and that isn't fair to the middle schoolers that have a different season. And kids that are motivated to put in extra work need to be indoctrinated properly, so that they can grow up to be worthless, government dependent idiots that vote for someone like our current president and his liberal entitlement society friends........Let's cut practice down to an hour per day, maybe two days a week. And let's make sure that we don't keep score at tourneys, so none of the kids gets discouraged.