The Flint Hills League starts January 21st and will end around March 8th. There are 3 schools who have wrestling in the league maybe a 4th I can't remember. The schools i know are Herrington, Council Grove, and Mission Valley. Our club will lose wrestlers to the Middle School program. My son is a HWT wrestler. He is only 9 years old but works out with a 7th grader. When the 7th grader leaves for the middle school season my son will lose his workout partner. The 7th grader will lose his work out partner also. Both wrestlers will be hurt with the late middle school season. My wife and I have already been thinking about middle school when our son is old enough. With being a HWT are there going to be kids to wrestle at the middle school? Is he going to have someone to workout with? I want him to be part of his school but I don't want him to back slide with his wrestling either. Hopefully things will change in the furture.

Josh Parker Mission Valley