doug, for what it is worth, I think anytime a kid on top looks to the ref and holds his hands up like that it should be unsportsmanlike conduct. I taught legs, specifically the turk series as hard as anyone has, and we never let any of our kids do that, and if they would have I would have been after them to turn them. You know as welll as I do that there is a myriad of ways you can turn a man when you have the legs in and he is flat and if you are working at it and he clams, then he is stalling but that showboat crap should be penalized. Kids ought to be taught that they aren't referee's and if they haven't been taught that at home or in the wrestling room then the ref ought to help that out with an unsportsmanlike penalty for essentially showing up the bottom man and the referee. Might be old school, but I sort of like old school. See you at the Bobcat.