So does that prove your assertion that if we continue to not allow kids to participate in both club and MS, it will not have any affect on the kids' improvement as a wrestler? Absolutely not......why shouldn't the kids have the choice to do both? So they can judge for themselves.......There are way too many people like you in this world that think it is your job to raise MY kids. You would fit right in with most congressmen and politicians......

And someone made a point on another thread about the swimming rule, being able to do crazy is it that one sport allows it, but another does not? I'm a huge football supporter, but coaches can now work with the kids in the summer, and last I heard, wrestling coaches can NOT.

If wrestling coaches were allowed to work with kids in the offseason, how much better would the coaching be as well? We as coaches learn when we go to tourneys, camps, practice, etc. But a coach that isn't allowed to do those things will be sitting at home.