Whether that is a positive or not is irrelevent. The choice is allowed to be made by the student athlete and parent, NOT some bureaucrat..........

Again, you people act like we are asking for murder to be legalized..........

The worst that could happen would be a kid puts in extra work doing MS after school, and a club practice or open room that night, and gets burned out. I get that. Back off the next year and don't do both, or not as often.

(before you reply, I'll do it for you and Sporto, you'll say "what if the kid quits??!!" to which I say, as a parent, "that isn't an option".....I would rather not go to work today, but I will because I know what hard work gets me, and I know what sitting on my a$$ doing nothing gets me)

The best that can happen is the kid sees what extra work gets him, he improves, and learns a life lesson about hard work.
(and of course you and sporto will say something to disagree with this, but since I can't get my head far enough up my a$$ to see your point of view, I can't guess what it will be)