And sadly, every election it is proven that more and more people want someone else to take care of them and their children. I agree. It is up to us to try to "train" them, leading by example, that it is much more satisfying to achieve because of hard work, than it is to be the average joe, doing just enough to get by..........10 years ago,, my statement would be that ALOT of people take the easy road. Sadly, today, my statement is MOST people take the easy road. Again, this is wrestling, the toughest sport there is. So we are not dealing with as many, as a percentage of total parents, that are looking for the easy way.

I bet most coaches, when asked if they would like for their kids to get better, and put in more work, would say "hell yes".

And for the record, I don't have a dog in this hunt. We don't have middle school wrestling at Andale. If there was an opportunity to get it, I would jump on board in a heartbeat, while trying to give my input as to who it will help, who it will not help, and the season schedule. It would probably cause me to make some calls to KSHSAA or whoever needs to hear from us to change the rules to allow the FREEDOM to choose how much practice our kids can put in.

For now, I'll just make my argument from the standpoint that, like I said above, we should have the FREEDOM to be as good or as lazy as we choose to be.....

Last edited by doug747; 01/10/13 02:39 PM.