Here is something I got online of the vision of KSHSAA. They do literally want to level the playing field:
The philosophy at the top

Conversations with Musselman, as with any of his predecessors, shed light on the philosophy of the man guiding the Association.

In Musselman’s case, one hears a man who believes in strong athletic/activity programs that know their place in the overall education of teenage students. You also meet a man with sensitivity to their needs.

“I’m working in a state that values education and the appropriate role of activities in a proper framework that doesn’t cause the tail to wag the dog,” he explained.

“Not all kids in Kansas are similarly situated,” he added. “We have kids who have great parental support and the economic ability to do all kind of wonderful opportunities. And that’s great. But the key is to find the balance that allows them to do that at the same time you don’t disadvantage those who don’t.

“It’s the classic have/have not case. It’s part of why schools form an association: to try and level the playing field.

“Kids in adolescent years fear one thing over anything else, and that’s rejection,” Musselman added. “They don’t want to be cut from a team. To avoid that, some kids say, ‘I won’t even bother.’ They opt out because they know if they don’t play travel ball for 80 games all summer, they have no prayer, that coach already has his team decided.

“Believe me, I talk to people all over the country who’ve seen that opening Pandora’s Box isn’t the panacea everyone thought it would be.”