If he's successful enough to wrestle up a weight class and division its time to take the binky out and let him wrestle OPEN's sorry.

Example: My son's second year many years ago, it was his 2nd season, he'd had some success in Novice and had one open 1st. Saying that that was in many tournaments, he had alot of 2 and outs, but his wrestling coach at the time saw him wrestle one tournament his 2nd season as novice and he won easily and said no more novices. I completely agreed with him. He went on to have a mediocre season in the OPEN division only making it to 5th at Regionals and not making state, but that made him better. You learn from your losses and you only get better by trying harder and putting in the time, effort, and practice to get better. If you stay novice to only succeed against novices, your only hurting yourself, and your hurting the kids who are truely novice that are trying to get better.

If your kid is not winning and not having "Success" novice on a 2nd year isnt a bad thing, but if you have to even ask about a 2nd year kid with "Success" wrestling up an age division or weight, its time to move to OPEN's period.