Here is Musselman's statement:
"Let's say there's 100 kids in Kansas who are truly at the Olympic elite level, which would be a huge number," Musselman said. "If there were 100 kids, is it merited, is it justifiable to change the rules that would impact literally four to five high school swimmers, and the potential ripple effect of every high school athletes — 100,000-plus kids involved in high school sports — to in some fashion give 100 kids an opportunity that they perceive that they don't have right now."

The idiot doesn't say how this negatively affects the 99,995 kids that choose not to put the extra work in and do both club and HS/MS events and/or practices. He just implies it, so that the koolaid drinkers will not know ,but just assume, that someone is getting screwed.......And who said anything about Olympic level kids??!!

"If it just helps one kid, it is worth it" is a standard slogan for these idiots when they are pushing for something that will help their political viewpoint. But now, their story is that it will hurt everyone else, which couldn't be farther fromthe truth. YOu never hear about the 99% of people that these new laws/regulations/taxes that are designed to help the 1%, when it is that 1% that is lining their pockets..... We are not asking for more rules, we are asking for less rules. What happens when a hardworking kid is in the room? It makes everyone else work harder....What happens when kids see a kid succeeding? They emulate what that kid does. So if a kid starts having success, maybe others will follow, and the world will soon learn the lesson of hard work = success.......

KSHSAA and these idiots that want to restrict the amount of time/effort/etc a kid can put into a sport are doing nothing but trying to hold some kids back, so they don't get too far ahead of the lazy ones. PERIOD.

Last edited by doug747; 01/10/13 08:14 PM.