Red Storm, just got to read your comments, boy do you take things out of context. I can see you have thought about this alot and really have the best interest of the kids in mind. But, the road to hel# is paved with good intentions. You appear to be saying the needs of the individual and the needs of the team cannot co-exist. In fact, you appear to be advocating for kids to sacrafice for the good of the COACH AND SCHOOL. I do not believe the 2 cannot co-exist. Wrestling is a unique sport, the needs of the individual and the needs of the team should be the same... for the sport to work properly. Is there really any evidence to support the idea that opening up club wrestling to middle school and high school wrestlers, would destroy the sport. I very much doubt it. I really do believe all on this thread have good intentions, but the current system is designed to 'dumb' things down. Kind of like the rules in some states that say you cannot wait an extra year to start your kid in school* would be so unfair if someone had an advantage!! Have a good weekend.. John

*I believe the Chicago School System will not let a parent decide their kid is not mature enough for shcool and wait an extra year to start their child, they are mandated they enroll their child as soon as the age fits. The parent loses all control. They obivously do not know what is best for their child. We must keep thing fair. If we follow some of the logic on here that will be the next rule for Kansas parents.