Cream will always rise to the top everytime. Our club had its first state champion last spring in the clubs history. Everyone wants to be a state champion in our room now. Is everyone going to a state champion? The answer is no. But they can workout like they can be. This new atmosphere in the room has turn our two and out kids into 3rd and 4th placer kids now. The confidence in these young men has even reached the novice kids who want to play around.

It is about choices. If the KSHAA would open their eyes and see that the change in this rule would be a great thing. If your wrestlers wants more time let them get more time in on the mat. If the wrestler does not want more time then don't. The kids who want more should not be punshied. I wonder if anyone told Bill Gates 1 million dollars is enough? Just a thought so why stop kids from bettering them selves in a sport they love?

Josh Parker Mission Valley