Yep, we are going through that with my son and baseball right now. He could go to some big schools like Bo could have, but when I got the estimate for how much the difference was going to be, it is mind boggling. It is easy for people to come on here and tell kids what they should or shouldn't do, but there is nothing in the world wrong with NCAA II, III, or NAIA schools. Some of them are the best education you can possibly get. Presidents have come from them and CEO's of major corporations. I coached at William Jewell for a number of years and the offers that some of our graduates got just to be interns at major corporations was just unreal to an old football coach like me. I say great luck to Lapaglia at Maryville (did I get that right), and I look forward to seeing how he does, just like I look forward to how Bo and Middleton and some of the great kids at Baker do. Power to them.
Another thing, some of you know that I coached for a number of years in local high schools and we had a great many kids go out and scholarship at DI schools. I am ashamed to say that the great majority of them were used and abused by those very schools they gave so much to. Be careful what they all wish for. All that glitters is not gold.
Last edited by Westfahl; 01/15/13 07:59 PM.