Originally Posted By: Beeson
So they had like an "A" bracket and a "B" bracket and all the SJA guys got the tough brackets and all of the Seaman guys got the easy brackets. Then they added up the score from both brackets and came up with a team winner? Is that how it worked?

And my quote was taking out of context. The question was something like didn't they have the same wrestlers in their brackets that SJA had also.

This is REALLY simple. The 5A state brackets will only include 5A WRESTLERS! When you are looking at the Bobcat results, there are almost 30 other teams from other classes and out of state. Look at my current 5A rankings. Look at the SJA wrestlers and the Seaman wrestlers. Add the points up!

If you DISAGREE with the 5A rankings at a particular weight, STATE YOUR CRITERIA! If that criteria is substanitive (Meaning that it has a firm basis in reality), then I will change the ranking!

Chad, this is getting embarrassing for you man. I can go to a local junior high and find over 100 students that understand this.

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12