Originally Posted By: Tommyboy
Intrust arena is plenty big enough , and has plenty of parking . I know hundreds of people that have went to sold out events at Intrust and never ever have I heard one thing about parking , EVER ! I read the paper every day and have never ever heard anything about parking . Plenty of hotels , plenty of parking ( I will put a map of all the parking lots around the arena tomorrow on this site ), plenty of resturants . Lets make it happen , if not next year then next year after that , lets have all the state championships under one roof . Like Iowa and Wisconsin and Nebraska and Oklahoma and so on . People in Wichita that didn't want the arena built are still so negative about it , it's done , its built get over it .

Had I lived in Wichita I would have voted for Intrust so I am hardly an "anti". BUT, I also would have demanded from the elected officials that enough parking be built. The reason there has been little in the way of complaints about parking is because there are few events at Intrust and almost none on weekdays as would be the case with wrestling. BUT, there ARE complaints never the less. You just have to read the blogs and comments sections of various media to find them. You currently have retail establishments suing each other over the lack of addequate parking downtown. The parking maps are the biggest propoganda I've seen in that many of the areas they show as "public parking" are in fact private or unavailable during normal working hours. I believe even the Intrust managemnt knows their limitations in that regard and thus haven't pursued these types of events more aggressively. This is why myself and several others tried to quiet the small vocal minority on this board that complained about the Coliseum when all three classes were there. Some of us knew that the chances of us ever getting another facility that worked that well for our needs were slim and none.
You are correct, Wichita is perfect in every other way to hold three or more classes and eventually the elected officials will pull their heads out and get public parking built.
NOBODY wants all three classes back together more than I do!!!