The fact that the original thread was taken down is TRULY sad. Apparently, even in THIS forum we have some of the hyper-sensitive types! SMH!!!

The fact is that Stouder NAILED IT in his original thread opening post! In fact, I had MANY of the same thoughts and was prepared to launch at some point on Sunday, but he beat me to it. Probably a GOOD thing though, because I guarantee, given the hyper-sensitive nature of some (apparently) would have yanked that for sure!

About the ONLY thing that I don't recall (can't refer to it since, due to hyper-sensitivity, it was taken down) Stouder referring to in the original note, but he has now down in the redo... was the BEYOND PATHETIC "WiFi". However, in "fairness" it was actually "usable" about the time they started rolling up the the end of the tournament! REAL helpful THEN?! SMH!!!

The OTHER thing that I STILL don't get is that this tournament was NOT operated with Track Wrestling last year either, it was only used to register, WHICH was/and IS extremely annoying! Like it or not, people have grown accustomed to tracking tournament happenings before, during, AND after, via Track?!

Btw, can SOMEBODY enlighten me how "security" was helping to secure us all on Saturday with their, near "anal probes" when going in the "facility"? From my view they were only saving us all from the lethal threat of bottled water and gatorade?! While I'm at it, I guess I should "thank" them for their service to our community, saving and protecting us from outside food and drinks! WHEW, that was close! "Thanks" guys/gals! You people are imposing this restriction on a "culture" (wrestling community) in which nearly everybody bring some food and drinks with them to pretty much every tournament?! How do you think they're going to react?

The other thing, and probably the biggest reason I had the negative experience at Salina this year, is that THEY'VE HEARD MOST, IF NOT ALL of these things BEFORE! and yet they just apparently haven't cared what anybody says or thinks. Apparently making the calculation that people will deal with all the crap in favor of the level of competition.

This tournament is probably THE toughest tournament in Kansas, in fact, on par with State, and I'd even say you could refer to it as a regional/mini-national-level type tourney, but these issues simply MUST be dealt with!

Btw, great follow up post by "Sig"!

Disagree Ford. However, in the hyper-sensitive era in which we live, you may be on to something. NOT to me, I tell it like it is, AND ALWAYS WILL! and care little for any of you hyper-sensitive types on ANY level!

BE REAL, NOT FAKE! Don't be SOOO afraid of getting (reading or hearing) somebody's TRUE opinion!!! Grow a thicker skin! (GEEZ)!!!