Originally Posted By: HokaheyCoach
Rich, At this point I would not start quoting bylaws in an attempt to save face. Hossus made a comment about the past that really has nothing to do with the price gouging and "Fort Knox" style armed security we encountered last weekend... those I know you HAD no control over. The officiating tho you do have control over and after speaking with several officials, you were turned down by many GREAT officials because the compensation did not match the competition level or the extended hours your event brings.. this post is addressing the venue's issues however, I would recommend reevaluating the wages you are offering so we can get quality officials at this tournament next year if all other issues are resolved.

I don't think Rich is trying to save face as you so put it. Hossus stated a reason why they stopped attending the TOC and Rich quoted a specific rule by Kansas Kids wrestling. That rule goes for all tournaments in KANSAS. Some on you on here seem to be bitching just to be bitching. It sounds like they are working on trying to get things changed. Hopefully the network will allow trackwrestling to be utilized to the max and hopefully the concessions will improve. But the last time I checked the prices are crazy at Topeka also. Maybe next year, they will let the athletes bring in drinks, but if I remember at Topeka at state they were only allowed one bottle of whatever for state wrestling.
As for the officials, that is another story.
Oh yeah we will be back next year either way.

Steve Schroeder