Head to head means nothing to Chief, at least it didn't use to, a few years ago my son was ranked BELOW a kid that my son had beaten the only 2 times they wrestled. And since I called him on it he quickly told me that it had to do with common opponets. So I was left feeling that head to head match up really don't matter
Just look at the first page of this thread, where I questioned the fact that Geary was ranked ahead of Butler even though Butler had the better resume, Butler has the better FS/GR resume but I was told that since Geary didn't wrestle FS/GR it didn't matter, Geary had beaten Butler 4-3 in their only head to head in folkstyle, even tho Butler beat Geary pretty handily in FS a few months later. Even FLO,on the national level, had Butler #8 and Geary #15 I feel that Geary got the #1 spot in the pre-season all class simply because he wrestled for Chiefs Renegades at the Wrestling Central Freestyle Duals and Butler choose to wrestle for KCTC. I have given up on the rankings as there is a lot of bias that goes on. But like I said before these are Chiefs rankings and he can do them how ever he wants, I fully expect to get flamed for this post but I really don't care this is how I feel.