WOW. I am amazed at the nasty words & tone directed at Chief. I think that he might be underpaid for this ranking job that he does. Is ANY ranking list perfect? So why get so personal? I think those nasty words are petty & ridiculous!! Last Feb my kid won an easy tourney & dropped from 5th to 6th in the rankings. I thought 'weird. oh well. someone must have had a big upset'. Next week, my boy won another easy tourney & dropped off of Chief's rankings. I thought "weird, somebody must have had a big upset yet again". I never thought "I guess Chief doesn't like me or my kids' school anymore. I need to publicly blast someone to make myself feel better". Since this is my 7th post, obviously I don't get out much. Maybe everyone is just playing and Chief is playing along too. Otherwise, I am STUNNED that adults make such nasty attacks on another adult over "just another fuzzy ranking system". He does the best that he can & I have always thought that they were very well thought out.
But the reality is that Chief's rankings do not have ANY factual meaning on future outcomes. Chief's rankings will mean EVEN LESS than that come 2/23.