I know its been a week ago, but I think it should be known, There was a kid from Nebraska that came down to wrestle in the TOC, I guess the power went out or the score clock went down or was shut off temporarily after the end of his 2nd period. The official called the kids to the center of the mat raised one kids hand and sent them off. The coach for this Nebraska kid ran out on the mat and told the official they only wrestled two periods. The official said nope they wrestled three periods the match was over. The coach grabbed his video camera and showed the official that they only wrestled two periods, by this time the next match had started, The official said sorry but its over now, So he went to the head table and showed them the tape. They basically said sorry but we cannot do anything about it now. I was so shocked I forgot to ask who won the match, do you guys think they will drive down here next year after that lil mixup?

I did not ask what mat this happened on. He did tell me the Official on mat 12 called a pin on one of his kids, without getting down on the mat to check, further review of the video shows the left shoulder blade was three inches off the mat, It also shows the official giving back points from a standing position......