It seems like there are at least 60 other people that disagree with your comment above and think the tournament needs to be fixed. It would be cool if you were to start a petition at and see if you hold the majority with your comment not to change it. I do agree with you that the officiating needs to change. You can't pay less money than other tournaments to the guys in stripes to officiate 1400 kids, drive a couple of hours, stay in hotels and buy their own water and food. Eudora paid the officials more money than Salina and they only had 380 kids. Eudora let them go through the concession line as many times as they wanted at no charge. Not saying that the Eudora Tournament was the best tournament ever, but they did not charge a gate, got most wrestlers at least 4 matches and offered healthy alternatives for food and the best pulled pork sandwich in the Country.
Mr. Zimmerman has been provided a public forum to let the wrestling community know what is being done to change the Salina flaws. I know there are several people that are waiting for his response as we are pulling for him.