I'm not much for petititions, I let my spending dollar go where I believe it should go. As it stands a week after Tulsa in proximity Salina is the toughest tournament to go to and a good precursor to state. It has a lot of issues as described. I do agree with Beeson though that officials are the key to a good tournament. Concessions don't bother me because I rarely eat at a tournament. If my son wants a bottle of water or something to eat he can go to the car and grab it between rounds (almost 2 hours sometimes). Obviously these things are not the most convinient. Salina doesn't do nearly the price gauging as Brute Adiddas Nationals $90 to coach and $65 to wrestle, not to mention if you make finals and are out of town you have to stay an additional day. At State we are not allowed to bring in outside items either, nor can you at USA Nationals, Middle School Duals or Pre-Season Nationals in Iowa. Although they do not search you quite as extensively. Winter Nationals in Council Bluffs you have to purchase an AAU card for the event, and it is the same weekend as Newton and the Bobcat Classic. I can think of several things I don't like about specific tournament, but what draws me to them is the competition. Take into account when I was in High School I wrestled in a place called the "Pig Palace" in Ark City, it was a morton building with people sitting on folding chairs, not much for convinience, but good competition, also they probably would have let you bring in a six pack. Salina has always been one of my favorite tournaments. Does it have issues, yes, hopefully Zimmerman is doing what he can about the venue as I'm sure Will is since 6 under state will be there in a couple of weeks. If nothing changes, I would probably still return. If another tournament competes with it that has more to offer, I might consider it. As it stands you can't beat the toughness at the Salina TOC. The toughest bracket Cody has ever wrestled in was there 3 years ago. It had something like 6 Tulsa Placers and 12 state finalist in the bracket. It was pretty cool.