My brothers, we all know Rich and know he's not a crook - I know he will be working on getting issues resolved for next year. Economics are NOT good right now and this "recession" we are in doesn't make it any better. However, I DO think it's wrong for the Bi-Cent to "gouge" like they did. The security sucked, and the officiating... it just added salt to the wound. It is a good place to find out where you are before state agreed, but the simple fact of the matter, is that it NEEDS to improve...

1. Officiating - primary from all of the feedback
2. Concessions (it�s a 12+ hour tournament, not a 6-8 hour national tournament), my kids would rather eat hot dogs, but should have an option smile
3. Security � Remove the white glove and have some common sense RAMBO
4. Awards � Have you seen the Roller Series, Brute, AAU, Crown Series trophies? I mean seriously, if you�re going to compare the �venues�! Think there could be some better quality hardware
5. Internet and Track Wrestling � This would alleviate issues with people bouncing all over the place (at least 75%) finding out match numbers, results, and keep the aisles clear.
6. DON�T SELL A DAMNED WRSIT BAND TO GRANNY, MOMMY, AND UNCLE RONNIE!!!!!!!!! Only certified coaches holding a valid USAW coaches card � hell, even make it a Bronze certified event only!

Beeson, you are right (I didn�t really say that did I?) that probably 60% of the state champs come from the Wichita area

Steve, you are right, I will take my boys wherever the competition is, that�s my duty as a Father and coach to give my kids the experiences they need in life. If I didn�t, I (or we) would be the failure, not them.

Jerry, I swear I saw that horse wink at me, so I had to kick once more 

Also, you guys remember back in 2001 after those horrific attacks to the US? Remember how every gas station jacked up the prices of gas to 5+ dollars a gallon? I remember how ENRAGED I was at the oil companies for gouging people at the pumps� Truth is, I went back a week later and got my gas. However, it was a matter of convenience� Something to think about

Peace out my brothas and sistas!

Last edited by JACD_Moison; 02/07/13 01:44 PM.

Jimmy Moison - Lawrence Elite Wrestling Club
785-224-7349 -