i have been reading this thread for awhile now and i have come to the conclusion that many kids got screwed at that tourn and the refs where bad but we have to sit back and think that this is not high school boys. we need to keep in mind that yes we want are kids to win but there is always going to be someone better. remember keep it fun cause when all this counts is when they are in high school and wrestling for a championship. does it really matter at this age, mat time is the most critical and keep it positive for them to learn and be a champion no matter what happens on the mat. listening to grown men arguing whos better north,south east west. WHO CARES WRESTLE AND QUIT COMPLAINING OR DO NOT SHOW UP PLAIN AND SIMPLE. ALWAYS REMEMBER IT IS FOR THE KIDS NOT THE PARENTS. GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Last edited by reddog2853; 02/08/13 03:01 AM.