The time on the field difference between Texas and Kansas is staggering.


this is a fact. 2 weeks of spring ball x 4 years = 8 weeks. 1 more regular season game, and two scrimmages a year - so really 2 more games a year x 4 years = 8 games. So that is an entire season of more contact, oklahoma and texas football athletes get over Kansas football athletes. and I am sure they have fewer restrictions on summer stuff as well. And the same staggering difference exists in wrestling. Oklahoma starts HS wrestling practice October 1...6 weeks x 4 years of HS wrestling practice over the average Kansas kid. also most Ok schools will attend 3 maybe 4 open tournaments in November, 3 more HS tourneys x 4 that is staggering...and that is not taking into account the zero restrictions they have on freestyle and Oklahoma HS wrestler, can effectively get 24 more weeks of contact with their coach, 12 more folk style tournaments, and 4 complete seasons of Freestyle and Greco. it is amazing that our kids can compete with that and we do for the most part, my gosh if KSHSAA wasn't hamstringing our contact opportunities...well that is probably wishful thinking.