John, Kansas really doesn't do it any differently than many other states. Most use a very comparable system to the one used here. This is Ohio's rule book, you will notice it is nearly identical to the rules here:

1. The OHSAA Weight Monitoring Program includes growth allowance. A two-pound growth allowance
will be given on December 25.
2. Growth allowance may not be utilized to achieve a lower minimum weight for a wrestler.
3. In order to utilize the growth allowance, a wrestler shall compete at his/her lowest allowable weight in the
desired weight class at least once prior to using the two-pound growth allowance.
4. A one pound allowance will be give the second day of a two day event.
5. With 48 hours notice, teams will be given a one pound allowance if a team in the event had a match the
day before.
6. In the event of inclement weather and a school is unable to practice the day before a scheduled contest,
each team is granted one additional pound at weigh-ins. See NFHS Rule 4-5-5 page 17 NFHS Wrestling
Rule Book."