Introductions of the wrestlers for 5th, 3rd and 1st were made before the final round at Hays.

Personally, I liked the three mat finals; and not because of any time savings; there was no appreciable time savings by doing this,in Hays anyway. The SSB was sung at 3:45 p.m. and the finalists were brought in (to "The Eye of the Tiger")and wrestling was completed at about 7:00 p.m. No matter how you format them, the final rounds with introductions, medal presentations, blood time, etc. take at least 3 hours. I liked the three mats because (#1) I believe it kept more on the crowd in the arena; too often people leave when their school has no rooting interest in the finals. (#2) All medalists were ready for the presentation. (#3) people without any rooting interest did not have to wait through finals to see their wrestler get a 3 - 6 medal.

I don't think the state schedule has been adjusted much at all since we went from three mats to four. . . so I will go further, IMO, the schedule for State Schedule should be permanently altered:

Friday wrestling: start no earlier than noon.
Saturday: begin no earlier than 10:00 a.m.

We started at 4 on Friday and wrestled until 11:00 p.m. which is way too late. Starting at noon would allow for the semi-finals to be wrestled on Friday night and still be done at a decent time for the competitors, 8:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

It was demonstrated that starting at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday still allows the tournament to be completed at a very reasonable time. . . and eliminating the semi-final round from Saturday would allow for a longer break before the finals round. It was hard to leave the arena with wrestlers and cheerleaders for a "real meal" given the compressed schedule of Saturday.

And finally, GET A DEDICATED TEAM SCOREBOARD FOR HAYS. Once in a great while the advertising on the big screens was suspended to show the top ten team scores, but you had to be lucky to see it when it happened.

Greg Mann
Manhattan, KS