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Kansas 2xers before 2001 #215919 02/26/13 10:39 PM
Joined: Sep 2001
Posts: 4,327
Cokeley Offline OP
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Joined: Sep 2001
Posts: 4,327
Kansas 2xers before 2001 - 297

1973 1 (4A) Adams, Mike Newton 155
1974 1 (4A) Adams, Mike Newton 155
1976 1 (2-1A) Alstrom, Tom Oberlin 145
1976 1 (All) Alstrom, Tom Oberlin 145
1976 1 (2-1A) Anderson, Larry Atwood 98
1977 1 (2-1A) Anderson, Larry Atwood 98
1989 1 (4A) Andrews, Darrell Perry Lecompton 160
1990 1 (4A) Andrews, Darrell Perry Lecompton 160
1982 1 (5A) Anstine, Terry Ark City 145
1983 1 (5A) Anstine, Terry Ark City 145
1967 1 (AA) Armstrong, J.D. Liberal 165
1968 1 (AA) Armstrong, J.D. Liberal 165
1945 1 (All) Aronis Wichita North 112
1946 1 (All) Aronis Wichita North 120
1987 1 (6A) Ayer, Brady Derby 138
1988 1 (6A) Ayer, Brady Derby 138
1990 1 (3-2-1A) Bahner, Derek Silver Lake 140
1992 1 (3-2-1A) Bahner, Derek Silver Lake 160
1996 1 (3-2-1A) Baker, Travis Hoxie 103
1999 1 (3-2-1A) Baker, Travis Hoxie 135
2000 1 (4A) Bancroft, Justin Chanute 189
2001 1 (4A) Bancroft, Justin Chanute 189
1973 1 (5A) Barber, Bob Shawnee Mission East 105
1974 1 (5A) Barber, Bob Shawnee Mission East 112
1978 1 (5A) Beard, Keith Wichita South Hwt
1979 1 (6A) Beard, Keith Wichita South Hwt
1979 1 (5A) Benton, Greg Ark City 167
1980 1 (5A) Benton, Greg Ark City 185
1978 1 (3A) Bergsten, Dana Clay Center 167
1979 1 (4A) Bergsten, Dana Clay Center 167
1988 1 (3-2-1A) Berkgren, Mike Oakley 155
1989 1 (3-2-1A) Berkgren, Mike Oakley 160
1995 1 (5A) Berthot, Matt Ark City 171
1997 1 (5A) Berthot, Matt Ark City 160
2000 1 (5A) Biddle, Tyson Winfield 135
2001 1 (5A) Biddle, Tyson Winfield 140
1978 1 (4A) Bigler, Jon Garden City 98
1979 1 (6A) Bigler, Jon Garden City 105
1974 1 (5A) Blackwell, Tim Wichita North 185
1975 1 (All) Blackwell, Tim Wichita North 185
1995 1 (4A) Blanding, Jason Chanute 126
1996 1 (4A) Blanding, Jason Paola 135
1994 1 (4A) Blosser, John Sante Fe Trail 145
1995 1 (4A) Blosser, John Sante Fe Trail 151
1996 1 (5A) Boone, Don Valley Center 160
1995 1 (6A) Boone, Don Wichita West 151
1971 1 (3A) Boultinghouse, Shane Oberlin 105
1972 1 (3A) Boultinghouse, Shane Oberlin 112
1999 1 (6A) Bradley, Michael Wichita West 112
2001 1 (6A) Bradley, Michael Wichita West 119
1997 1 (6A) Bradshaw, Matt Manhattan 152
1998 1 (6A) Bradshaw, Matt Manhattan 152
1986 1 (3-2-1A) Brady, Chris Southeast Saline 132
1987 1 (3-2-1A) Brady, Chris Southeast Saline 132
1997 1 (3-2-1A) Brandyberry, Brent Norton 103
1998 1 (3-2-1A) Brandyberry, Brent Norton 103
1985 1 (5A) Brewster, Kelly Kapaun Mount Carmel 98
1986 1 (5A) Brewster, Kelly Kapaun Mount Carmel 112
1982 1 (6A) Briggs, Bobby Junction City 138
1983 1 (6A) Briggs, Bobby Junction City 138
1998 1 (5A) Brine, Bill Goddard 160
1999 1 (5A) Brine, Bill Goddard 171
1968 1 (A-B) Brock, David Goodland 127
1969 1 (3-2-1A) Brock, David Goodland 138
1997 1 (3-2-1A) Brown, Curtis Norton 171
1998 1 (3-2-1A) Brown, Curtis Norton 171
1987 1 (6A) Brown, Jason Wichita South 112
1988 1 (6A) Brown, Jason Wichita South 112
1996 1 (4A) Brown, Josh Columbus 125
1998 1 (4A) Brown, Josh Columbus 135
1975 1 (5A) Buckner, Terry Wichita Heights 105
1976 1 (5A) Buckner, Terry Wichita Heights 112
2000 1 (6A) Bunch, Shawn Leavenworth 119
2001 1 (6A) Bunch, Shawn Leavenworth 125
1984 1 (5A) Burnett, Danny Parsons 155
1985 1 (5A) Burnett, Danny Parsons 155
1987 1 (3-2-1A) Burton, Corey Hill City 98
1989 1 (3-2-1A) Burton, Corey Hill City 126
1977 1 (2-1A) Cahoj, Rory Saint Francis 138
1978 1 (2-1A) Cahoj, Rory Saint Francis 145
1971 1 (2-1A) Campbell, Ron Hoxie 126
1973 1 (2-1A) Campbell, Ron Hoxie 132
1991 1 (4A) Canady, Brett Columbus 275
1992 1 (4A) Canady, Brett Columbus 189
1967 1 (AA) Capoccia, Ron Hayden 180
1968 1 (AA) Capoccia, Ron Hayden 180
1977 1 (3A) Carroll, Chuck Kapaun Mount Carmel 185
1978 1 (3A) Carroll, Chuck Kapaun Mount Carmel 185
2000 1 (6A) Carroll, Josh Olathe North 215
2001 1 (6A) Carroll, Josh Olathe North 215
1987 1 (6A) Carter, Chad Junction City 98
1988 1 (6A) Carter, Chad Junction City 105
1933 1 (All) Compton Wellington 115
1934 1 (All) Compton, E. Wellington 125
1975 1 (2-1A) Compton, Mike Kinsley 112
1977 1 (2-1A) Compton, Mike Kinsley 119
1982 1 (5A) Cook, John Ark City 98
1984 1 (5A) Cook, John Ark City 112
1993 1 (6A) Corner, Jerry Wichita West 275
1994 1 (6A) Corner, Jerry Wichita West 275
1930 1 (All) Cox Douglass 125
1931 1 (All) Cox Douglass 125
1984 1 (4A) Creager, Brett Beloit 119
1985 1 (4A) Creager, Brett Beloit 119
1947 1 (All) Cummings Wichita East 120
1948 1 (All) Cummings Wichita East 120
1979 1 (4A) Currier, Lonnie Ulysses 145
1980 1 (4A) Currier, Lonnie Ulysses 155
1944 1 (All) Daniels Wichita East 112
1945 1 (All) Daniels Wichita East 127
1977 1 (3A) Daniels, Mike Kapaun Mount Carmel 132
1978 1 (3A) Daniels, Mike Kapaun Mount Carmel 138
1930 1 (All) Darter, Alvin Douglass 115
1931 1 (All) Darter, Alvin Douglass 105
1985 1 (4A) Deets, Mark Beloit 155
1986 1 (4A) Deets, Mark Beloit 167
1980 1 (3-2-1A) DeLeon, Alex Leoti 145
1981 1 (3-2-1A) DeLeon, Alex Leoti 155
1997 1 (6A) Denning, Mark Blue Valley Stillwell 140
1998 1 (6A) Denning, Mark Blue Valley Stillwell 140
1988 1 (6A) Deshazer, Danny Wichita West 119
1989 1 (6A) Deshazer, Danny Wichita West 126
1991 1 (5A) Doonan, Brent Kapaun Mount Carmel 126
1992 1 (5A) Doonan, Brent Kapaun Mount Carmel 130
1954 1 (All) Doyle Douglass 165
1955 1 (All) Doyle Douglass 165
1986 1 (3-2-1A) Dreher, Joe Plainville 126
1988 1 (3-2-1A) Dreher, Joe Plainville 145
1975 1 (3A) Drennen, David Winfield 185
1976 1 (4A) Drennen, David Winfield 185
1984 1 (6A) Dryden, Tim Wichita North 98
1985 1 (6A) Dryden, Tim Wichita North 105
1976 1 (3A) Duell, Fred Goodland 138
1976 1 (All) Duell, Fred Goodland 138
2000 1 (6A) Dyer, Justin Olathe South 171
2001 1 (6A) Dyer, Justin Olathe South 189
1999 1 (5A) Earle, Jake Goddard 119
2000 1 (5A) Earle, Jake Goddard 119
1980 1 (6A) Eden, Calvin Junction City 132
1981 1 (6A) Eden, Calvin Junction City 138
1945 1 (All) Edminston Salina 175
1948 1 (All) Edminston Salina 175
1977 1 (3A) Ekey, Charles Hays 145
1976 1 (5A) Ekey, Charles Wichita Heights 138
1977 1 (3A) Ekey, Tim Hays 105
1978 1 (4A) Ekey, Tim Hays 112
1987 1 (6A) Elvin, Bill Olathe North 185
1988 1 (6A) Elvin, Bill Olathe North 185
1937 1 (All) Emerson Oberlin 125
1939 1 (All) Emerson, Lloyd Oberlin 135
1947 1 (All) Estep, Denton Salina Hwt
1948 1 (All) Estep, Denton Salina Hwt
1995 1 (6A) Evans, Wal'zel Wyandotte 126
1996 1 (6A) Evans, Wal'zel Wyandotte 130
1973 1 (5A) Farley, Terry Hutchison 112
1974 1 (5A) Farley, Terry Hutchison 119
1966 1 (A-B) Faulkender, Stan Saint Francis 112
1967 1 (A-B) Faulkender, Stan Saint Francis 127
1986 1 (4A) Finney, J.J. Clearwater Hwt
1985 1 (4A) Finney, J.J. Clearwater Hwt
1983 1 (6A) Fitzsimmons, Tracy Dodge City 185
1984 1 (6A) Fitzsimmons, Tracy Dodge City 185
1996 1 (3-2-1A) Flores, Chad Silver Lake 130
1997 1 (3-2-1A) Flores, Chad Silver Lake 135
1995 1 (5A) Foust, Dirk Ark City 151
1996 1 (5A) Foust, Dirk Ark City 152
1999 1 (6A) Fox, Danny Wichita South 135
2000 1 (6A) Fox, Danny Wichita South 140
1978 1 (3A) Fox, Jim El Dorado 98
1979 1 (5A) Fox, Jim El Dorado 112
1939 1 (All) Fraker, Bob Oberlin 95
1940 1 (All) Fraker, Bob Oberlin 95
1942 1 (All) Fraker, Dennis Dennis 120
1943 1 (All) Fraker, Dennis Oberlin 133
1972 1 (2-1A) Frakes, Charlie Douglass 105
1973 1 (2-1A) Frakes, Charlie Douglass 105
1999 1 (5A) Frazier, Ryan Harmon 275
2000 1 (5A) Frazier, Ryan Kapaun Mount Carmel 275
1973 1 (2-1A) Frewen, Mike Saint Francis 98
1974 1 (2-1A) Frewen, Mike Saint Francis 105
1953 1 (All) Freytag, Dale Goodland 112
1954 1 (All) Freytag, Dale Goodland 127
1988 1 (4A) Gallegos, Ernest Ulysses Hwt
1989 1 (4A) Gallegos, Ernest Ulysses 275
1976 1 (4A) Garcia, Mike Newton 126
1977 1 (4A) Garcia, Mike Newton 132
1931 1 (All) Gard Wichita East 95
1932 1 (All) Gard Wichita East 115
1954 1 (All) Gawith Salina 103
1956 1 (All) Gawith Salina 95
1983 1 (3-2-1A) Gilliland, Mike Hoxie 155
1984 1 (3-2-1A) Gilliland, Mike Hoxie 155
1951 1 (All) Goldsworth Colby 95
1953 1 (All) Goldsworth Colby 120
1971 1 (3A) Gonzales, Frank Bonner Springs 112
1972 1 (3A) Gonzales, Frank Bonner Springs 126
1990 1 (4A) Gooch, Josh Wellington 189
1992 1 (5A) Gooch, Josh Wellington 189
1978 1 (4A) Goodwin, Mike Junction City 126
1979 1 (6A) Goodwin, Mike Junction City 132
1989 1 (4A) Grant, Kyle Columbus 135
1991 1 (4A) Grant, Kyle Columbus 145
1934 1 (All) Hackney, Elmer Oberlin Hwt
1936 1 (All) Hackney, Elmer Oberlin Hwt
1943 1 (All) Hackney, Gerald Oberlin 175
1944 1 (All) Hackney, Gerald Oberlin Hwt
1982 1 (3-2-1A) Hahn, Kent Norton 126
1983 1 (4A) Hahn, Kent Norton 132
1980 1 (4A) Hahn, Kurt Norton 112
1981 1 (4A) Hahn, Kurt Norton 145
1979 1 (4A) Hahn, Kyle Norton 119
1980 1 (4A) Hahn, Kyle Norton 119
1939 1 (All) Hammond, Gene Hutchison 145
1940 1 (All) Hammond, Gene Hutchison 155
1999 1 (3-2-1A) Harding, J.B. Norton 103
2000 1 (3-2-1A) Harding, J.B. Norton 112
1981 1 (5A) Harrison, Kelby Newton 98
1982 1 (5A) Harrison, Kelby Newton 105
1973 1 (5A) Hassig, Doug Shawnee Mission West 132
1974 1 (5A) Hassig, Doug Shawnee Mission West 138
1960 1 (All) Hawks Goodland 95
1961 1 (All) Hawks Goodland 103
1981 1 (4A) Helms, John Chaparral 98
1982 1 (4A) Helms, John Chaparral 105
1992 1 (4A) Henry, Scott Paola 171
1993 1 (4A) Henry, Scott Paola 171
1988 1 (5A) Hernandez, Jeramy Ark City 138
1989 1 (5A) Hernandez, Jeramy Ark City 145
1977 1 (3A) Hershberger, Eric Kapaun Mount Carmel 126
1978 1 (3A) Hershberger, Eric Kapaun Mount Carmel 132
1975 1 (All) Hershberger, Kendall Kapaun Mount Carmel 112
1976 1 (3A) Hershberger, Kendall Kapaun Mount Carmel 132
1977 1 (2-1A) Hess, Steve Oberlin 132
1978 1 (2-1A) Hess, Steve Oberlin 138
1977 1 (2-1A) Hewitt, Kevin Beloit 112
1978 1 (2-1A) Hewitt, Kevin Beloit 112
1992 1 (6A) Hill, Brian Salina Central 152
1993 1 (5A) Hill, Brian Salina Central 160
1990 1 (5A) Hodges, Aaron Harmon 160
1991 1 (5A) Hodges, Aaron Harmon 171
1993 1 (6A) Holovach, Matt Manhattan 189
1994 1 (6A) Holovach, Matt Manhattan 189
1954 1 (All) Hotchkiss Wichita East 175
1956 1 (All) Hotchkiss Wichita East 165
1998 1 (3-2-1A) Hrabe, Jay Plainville 130
1999 1 (3-2-1A) Hrabe, Jay Plainville 140
1980 1 (4A) Hughes, Brenny Colby 105
1981 1 (4A) Hughes, Brenny Colby 112
1983 1 (4A) Hull, Mark Andover 119
1984 1 (4A) Hull, Mark Andover 126
1959 1 (All) Isernhagen, Glenn Saint Francis 145
1960 1 (All) Isernhagen, Glenn Saint Francis 154
1969 1 (5-4A) Jackson, Mark Ark City 95
1971 1 (5-4A) Jackson, Mark Ark City 112
1998 1 (3-2-1A) Jenkins, Gabe Saint Francis 119
1999 1 (3-2-1A) Jenkins, Gabe Saint Francis 130
1991 1 (3-2-1A) Jensen, Matt Norton 119
1992 1 (3-2-1A) Jensen, Matt Norton 119
1931 1 (All) Jessup Wichita East 135
1932 1 (All) Jessup Wichita East 135
1932 1 (All) Jessup Wichita East 145
1933 1 (All) Jessup Wichita East 135
1963 1 (All) Jimmerson, Herb Ark City 112
1964 1 (All) Jimmerson, Herb Ark City 120
1939 1 (All) Johnson, Bob Hutchison 125
1940 1 (All) Johnson, Bob Hutchison 125
1987 1 (3-2-1A) Johnson, Matt Southeast Saline 155
1988 1 (4A) Johnson, Matt Southeast Saline 155
1985 1 (4A) Johnson, Todd Belloit 105
1984 1 (4A) Johnson, Todd Beloit 98
1992 1 (3-2-1A) Johnston, Corey Stockton 130
1993 1 (3-2-1A) Johnston, Corey Stockton 135
2000 1 (6A) Johnston, Joe Shawnee Mission East 145
2001 1 (6A) Johnston, Joe Shawnee Mission East 152
1986 1 (5A) Jones, Corey Kapaun Mount Carmel 105
1987 1 (5A) Jones, Corey Kapaun Mount Carmel 112
1990 1 (6A) Jones, Daryl Wichita Southeast 275
1991 1 (6A) Jones, Daryl Wichita Southeast 275
1998 1 (3-2-1A) Jones, Derek Hoxie 112
2000 1 (3-2-1A) Jones, Derek Hoxie 119
1970 1 (5-4A) Kadel, John Wichita Heights 138
1971 1 (5-4A) Kadel, John Wichita Heights 155
1971 1 (2-1A) Keller, Dan Saint Francis 145
1972 1 (2-1A) Keller, Dan Saint Francis 155
1975 1 (2-1A) Keller, Perry Saint Francis 167
1975 1 (All) Keller, Perry Saint Francis 167
1985 1 (3-2-1A) Koehler, Matt Nemaha Valley 167
1986 1 (3-2-1A) Koehler, Matt Nemaha Valley 185
1995 1 (3-2-1A) Koop, Chad West Elk 160
1996 1 (3-2-1A) Koop, Chad West Elk 171
1988 1 (5A) Kulat, Chris Blue Valley Stillwell 105
1989 1 (5A) Kulat, Chris Blue Valley Stillwell 112
1953 1 (All) Lara El Dorado 95
1954 1 (All) Lara El Dorado 95
2000 1 (5A) Lattimer, Josh Fort Scott 215
2001 1 (5A) Lattimer, Josh Fort Scott 215
1999 1 (3-2-1A) Lawrenz, Josh Herington 160
2000 1 (3-2-1A) Lawrenz, Josh Herington 160
1996 1 (3-2-1A) Lawrenz, Nathan Herington 145
1997 1 (3-2-1A) Lawrenz, Nathan Herington 152
1933 1 (All) Lengel Wichita East 145
1932 1 (All) Lengel Wichita East 95
1989 1 (6A) Leonard, Travis Shawnee Mission West 103
1991 1 (6A) Leonard, Travis Shawnee Mission West 135
1998 1 (5A) Lien, Jarod Goddard 152
1999 1 (5A) Lien, Jarod Goddard 160
1990 1 (6A) Lopez, Clint Derby 126
1991 1 (6A) Lopez, Clint Derby 130
1973 1 (2-1A) Lorimer, Jerry Atwood 155
1974 1 (2-1A) Lorimer, Jerry Atwood 167
1979 1 (3-2-1A) Loyd, Daryl Saint Francis 98
1980 1 (3-2-1A) Loyd, Daryl Saint Francis 112
1968 1 (AA) Lunt, Doug Wichita Heights 127
1969 1 (5-4A) Lunt, Doug Wichita Heights 133
1976 1 (3A) Madden, Henry Effingham 185
1976 1 (All) Madden, Henry Effingham 185
1985 1 (5A) Manley, Sonny Chanute 185
1986 1 (5A) Manley, Sonny Chanute Hwt
1987 1 (3-2-1A) Marquez, Joe Leoti 105
1989 1 (3-2-1A) Marquez, Joe Leoti 130
1961 1 (All) Martinez Newton 112
1962 1 (All) Martinez Newton 112
1988 1 (5A) Mason, Robert Ark City 185
1989 1 (5A) Mason, Robert Ark City 189
1982 1 (3-2-1A) Matson, Buck Oberlin 138
1983 1 (3-2-1A) Matson, Buck Oberlin 145
1998 1 (5A) Maze, Josh Carroll 189
1999 1 (5A) Maze, Josh Carroll 189
1984 1 (6A) McClenton, Frank Harmon Hwt
1985 1 (6A) McClenton, Frank Harmon Hwt
1990 1 (4A) McCreary, Jonny Wellington 152
1991 1 (4A) McCreary, Jonny Wellington 152
1976 1 (2-1A) McDaniel, Bob Oberlin 138
1977 1 (2-1A) McDaniel, Bob Oberlin 145
1965 1 (All) McDougal, Jim Atwood 127
1964 1 (All) McDougall, Jim Atwood 127
1970 1 (3-2-1A) McGowne, Steve Oberlin 185
1971 1 (3A) McGowne, Steve Oberlin 185
1972 1 (3A) McGowne, Stuart Oberlin Hwt
1973 1 (3A) McGowne, Stuart Oberlin Hwt
1974 1 (4A) McKee, Jeff Topeka West 98
1975 1 (4A) McKee, Jeff Topeka West 112
1950 1 (All) McKinney Wichita East 165
1951 1 (All) McKinney Wichita East 165
1960 1 (All) Metzler Colby 165
1961 1 (All) Metzler Colby 180
2000 1 (5A) Metzler, Luke Newton 103
2001 1 (5A) Metzler, Luke Newton 112
1968 1 (AA) Metzler, Mike Newton 112
1969 1 (5-4A) Metzler, Mike Newton 112
1975 1 (3A) Middleton, Levi Bonner Springs 126
1975 1 (All) Middleton, Levi Bonner Springs 126
1984 1 (5A) Morris, Steve Ark City 98
1985 1 (5A) Morris, Steve Ark City 119
1933 1 (All) Morrison Wellington 105
1934 1 (All) Morrison, H.E. Wellington 105
1949 1 (All) Morton, Dick Goodland 95
1951 1 (All) Morton, Dick Goodland 120
1975 1 (4A) Mosley, Dave Derby 105
1975 1 (All) Mosley, Dave Derby 105
1996 1 (6A) Mouser, Rob Garden City 125
1997 1 (6A) Mouser, Rob Garden City 130
2000 1 (4A) Murray, Matt Colby 125
2001 1 (4A) Murray, Matt Colby 135
1990 1 (6A) Murray, Scott Washburn Rural 112
1992 1 (6A) Murray, Scott Washburn Rural 126
1959 1 (All) Myers Douglass 103
1960 1 (All) Myers Douglass 112
1963 1 (All) Naden, Dale Ark City 95
1965 1 (All) Naden, Dale Ark City 112
1981 1 (5A) Nave, Steve Coffeyville Hwt
1982 1 (5A) Nave, Steve Coffeyville Hwt
1997 1 (6A) Nelson, Joe Wichita South 189
1998 1 (6A) Nelson, Joe Wichita South 189
1987 1 (6A) Nelson, Lance Wichita South Hwt
1988 1 (6A) Nelson, Lance Wichita South Hwt
1983 1 (5A) Nelson, Teddy Kapaun Mount Carmel 98
1985 1 (5A) Nelson, Teddy Kapaun Mount Carmel 112
1975 1 (2-1A) Newell, Dave Norton 98
1975 1 (All) Newell, Dave Norton 98
1959 1 (All) Newell, Gary Goodland 120
1960 1 (All) Newell, Gary Goodland 133
2000 1 (6A) Nichols, Jason Garden City 125
2001 1 (6A) Nichols, Jason Garden City 140
1976 1 (5A) Nichols, Reo Wichita East 155
1977 1 (5A) Nichols, Reo Wichita East 167
1940 1 (All) Nighswonger, Noel Saint Francis 115
1942 1 (All) Nighswonger, Noel Saint Francis 112
1979 1 (6A) Noce, Gene Emporia 126
1980 1 (5A) Noce, Gene Emporia 132
1973 1 (3A) Nowlin, Charles Wakeeney 145
1974 1 (2-1A) Nowlin, Charles Wakeeney 155
1993 1 (5A) O`Brien, Sean Kapaun Mount Carmel 171
1995 1 (5A) O`Brien, Sean Kapaun Mount Carmel 215
1980 1 (3-2-1A) O`Leary, Terry Saint Francis 105
1982 1 (3-2-1A) O`Leary, Terry Saint Francis 112
1944 1 (All) Olson Oberlin 138
1947 1 (All) Olson Oberlin 154
1999 1 (3-2-1A) Orozco, Ben Ellsworth 119
2000 1 (3-2-1A) Orozco, Ben Ellsworth 125
1997 1 (6A) Parker, Damon Manhattan 215
1998 1 (6A) Parker, Damon Manhattan 215
1994 1 (4A) Patillo, Amad Paola 171
1995 1 (4A) Patillo, Amad Paola 171
1975 1 (5A) Payne, Greg Wichita South 132
1975 1 (All) Payne, Greg Wichita South 132
1977 1 (5A) Payne, Mike Wichita South 98
1978 1 (5A) Payne, Mike Wichita South 105
1977 1 (4A) Peck, Steve McPherson 138
1978 1 (3A) Peck, Steve McPherson 145
1936 1 (All) Pendleton Wellington 115
1934 1 (All) Pendleton Wichita East 95
1931 1 (All) Perry Hutchison 165
1932 1 (All) Perry Hutchison 165
1950 1 (All) Peter, Larry Goodland 112
1951 1 (All) Peter, Larry Goodland 112
1975 1 (2-1A) Petterson, Wayne Beloit 119
1976 1 (2-1A) Petterson, Wayne Beloit 119
1978 1 (2-1A) Pickinpaugh, Don Hoxie 105
1979 1 (3-2-1A) Pickinpaugh, Don Hoxie 119
2000 1 (4A) Pyle, Matt Sabetha 135
2001 1 (3-2-1A) Pyle, Matt Sabetha 135
1982 1 (5A) Pyles, Mario Kapaun Mount Carmel 132
1983 1 (5A) Pyles, Mario Kapaun Mount Carmel 126
1967 1 (A-B) Raile, Marv Saint Francis 165
1968 1 (A-B) Raile, Marv Saint Francis 165
1989 1 (4A) Ray, Jon Clay Center 171
1990 1 (4A) Ray, Jon Clay Center 171
1985 1 (5A) Rey, Del Campus 145
1986 1 (5A) Rey, Del Campus 155
1982 1 (4A) Reynolds, Paul Hiawatha 132
1983 1 (4A) Reynolds, Paul Hiawatha 138
1999 1 (4A) Reynolds, Wes El Dorado 140
2000 1 (4A) Reynolds, Wes El Dorado 145
1980 1 (3-2-1A) Richard, Chris Saint Francis 119
1981 1 (3-2-1A) Richard, Chris Saint Francis 126
2000 1 (5A) Richardson, Cody Ark City 171
2001 1 (5A) Richardson, Cody Ark City 171
1980 1 (3-2-1A) Riedel, Brian Southeast Saline 167
1981 1 (3-2-1A) Riedel, Brian Southeast Saline 185
1994 1 (3-2-1A) Rito, Jairo Leoti 103
1995 1 (3-2-1A) Rito, Jairo Leoti 119
1982 1 (4A) Roark, Travis Columbus 145
1983 1 (4A) Roark, Travis Columbus 145
1941 1 (All) Robinson Wichita East 95
1943 1 (All) Robinson Wichita East 112
1951 1 (All) Roderick, Myron Winfield 127
1952 1 (All) Roderick, Myron Winfield 133
1995 1 (3-2-1A) Rodriguez, Chuck Leoti 103
1997 1 (3-2-1A) Rodriguez, Chuck Leoti 112
1992 1 (3-2-1A) Rogers, Tony Cany Valley 152
1993 1 (3-2-1A) Rogers, Tony Cany Valley 160
1979 1 (5A) Ruether, Mike Miege Hwt
1980 1 (5A) Ruether, Mike Miege Hwt
1999 1 (4A) Saferite, Chris Augusta 119
2001 1 (4A) Saferite, Chris Augusta 130
1986 1 (3-2-1A) Sample, Mike Hoxie 105
1987 1 (3-2-1A) Sample, Mike Hoxie 112
1936 1 (All) Sams Wichita East 185
1937 1 (All) Sams Wichita East Hwt
1998 1 (3-2-1A) Samuelson, Barry Oakley 135
2000 1 (3-2-1A) Samuelson, Barry Oakley 152
1993 1 (3-2-1A) Samuelson, Tyler Oakley 112
1995 1 (3-2-1A) Samuelson, Tyler Oakley 135
1975 1 (2-1A) Schamberger, Dave Hoxie 155
1976 1 (2-1A) Schamberger, Dave Hoxie 167
1999 1 (4A) Schields, Aaron Goodland 145
2000 1 (4A) Schields, Aaron Goodland 152
1976 1 (3A) Schmidt, Danny Thomas More Prep 126
1976 1 (All) Schmidt, Danny Thomas More Prep 126
1974 1 (5A) Schroeder, Terry Shawnee Mission Northwest 105
1975 1 (5A) Schroeder, Terry Shawnee Mission Northwest 119
1980 1 (5A) Seaton, Ed Bonner Springs 98
1982 1 (5A) Seaton, Ed Bonner Springs 119
1976 1 (4A) Seiler, Rick Carroll 167
1977 1 (4A) Seiler, Rick Carroll 167
1992 1 (6A) Shaw, Tommy Derby 145
1993 1 (6A) Shaw, Tommy Derby 160
1994 1 (4A) Shay, Brian Paola 160
1995 1 (4A) Shay, Brian Paola 189
1987 1 (3-2-1A) Shepard, Lance Hoxie 126
1988 1 (3-2-1A) Shepard, Lance Hoxie 132
1994 1 (4A) Showalter, Jeff Nickerson 130
1995 1 (4A) Showalter, Jeff Nickerson 134
1997 1 (4A) Silvis, Shawn Augusta 130
2000 1 (4A) Silvis, Shawn Augusta 171
1950 1 (All) Simmons Wichita North 145
1952 1 (All) Simmons Wichita North 145
1985 1 (3-2-1A) Simons, Shawn Leoti 145
1986 1 (3-2-1A) Simons, Shawn Leoti 155
1975 1 (4A) Simpson, Kyle Derby 132
1976 1 (4A) Simpson, Kyle Derby 138
1953 1 (All) Skelton Goodland 127
1954 1 (All) Skelton Goodland 133
1985 1 (3-2-1A) Smith, Terri Holcomb 98
1986 1 (3-2-1A) Smith, Terri Holcomb 98
1993 1 (6A) Snider, Mike Shawnee Mission Northwest 103
1995 1 (6A) Snider, Mike Shawnee Mission Northwest 119
1998 1 (5A) Soule, Drew Ark City 140
1999 1 (5A) Soule, Drew Ark City 152
1976 1 (4A) Spencer, Bob Carroll 145
1977 1 (4A) Spencer, Bob Carroll 145
1974 1 (3A) Spresser, Ed Oberlin 185
1975 1 (2-1A) Spresser, Ed Oberlin 185
1986 1 (4A) Squibb, Trevor Colby 145
1987 1 (4A) Squibb, Trevor Columbus 155
1972 1 (3A) Stasser, Alvin Goodland 145
1973 1 (3A) Stasser, Alvin Goodland 155
1987 1 (5A) Stewart, Kevin Blue Valley Stillwell 105
1988 1 (5A) Stewart, Kevin Blue Valley Stillwell 119
1975 1 (2-1A) Strutt, Darvin Oakley 138
1975 1 (All) Strutt, Darvin Oakley 138
1994 1 (4A) Stultz, Danny Spring Hill 152
1993 1 (4A) Stultz, Danny Spring Hill 145
1991 1 (4A) Sullivan, Robbie Paola 103
1993 1 (4A) Sullivan, Robbie Paola 112
1936 1 (All) Tanner Wichita East 125
1937 1 (All) Tanner Wichita East 135
1995 1 (6A) Taylor, Kenny Wichita West 134
1996 1 (6A) Taylor, Kenny Wichita West 140
1973 1 (4A) Thaw, Don Newton 126
1974 1 (4A) Thaw, Don Newton 132
1991 1 (5A) Thaw, Justin Newton 145
1992 1 (5A) Thaw, Justin Newton 160
1996 1 (5A) Thompson, Jozee Independence 145
1997 1 (5A) Thompson, Jozee Independence 145
1996 1 (6A) Tieben, Andy Dodge City 119
1999 1 (6A) Tieben, Andy Dodge City 145
1972 1 (3A) Tomanek, Mark Wakeeney 185
1973 1 (3A) Tomanek, Mark Wakeeney 185
1942 1 (All) Topping, Ken Saint Francis Hwt
1943 1 (All) Topping, Ken Saint Francis Hwt
1998 1 (4A) Tovar, Dustin Abilene 103
2000 1 (4A) Tovar, Dustin Abilene 119
1991 1 (5A) Travis, Brooks Ark City 103
1992 1 (5A) Travis, Brooks Ark City 112
1993 1 (6A) Tremblay, Scott Topeka West 135
1994 1 (6A) Tremblay, Scott Topeka West 145
2000 1 (3-2-1A) Ubben, Andrew Phillipsburg 275
2001 1 (3-2-1A) Ubben, Andrew Phillipsburg 275
1985 1 (6A) Underwood, Preston Derby 155
1986 1 (6A) Underwood, Preston Derby 167
1980 1 (5A) Unruh, Greg Kapaun Mount Carmel 138
1981 1 (5A) Unruh, Greg Kapaun Mount Carmel 145
1990 1 (3-2-1A) Urban, Scott Atwood 189
1991 1 (3-2-1A) Urban, Scott Atwood 189
1942 1 (All) Vernon Oberlin 133
1943 1 (All) Vernon, Archie Oberlin 145
1992 1 (6A) Vest, Beau Topeka 103
1993 1 (6A) Vest, Beau Topeka 112
1998 1 (4A) Vogelsberg, Matt Marysville 215
1999 1 (4A) Vogelsberg, Matt Marysville 215
1938 1 (All) Wagner, Howard Saint Francis 145
1939 1 (All) Wagner, Howard Saint Francis 155
1981 1 (3-2-1A) Wahrman, Alan Saint Francis 98
1982 1 (3-2-1A) Wahrman, Alan Saint Francis 105
1992 1 (6A) Walburn, Brian Emporia 112
1993 1 (6A) Walburn, Brian Emporia 119
1982 1 (5A) Walker, Darren Kapaun Mount Carmel 167
1983 1 (5A) Walker, Darren Kapaun Mount Carmel 167
1978 1 (4A) Walker, Dennis Newton 167
1979 1 (5A) Walker, Dennis Newton 185
1983 1 (5A) Walker, Vincent Newton 155
1984 1 (5A) Walker, Vincent Newton 167
1956 1 (All) Wanamaker, Bob Topeka Hwt
1957 1 (All) Wanamaker, Bob Topeka Hwt
1984 1 (6A) Wentzel, Mark Manhattan 167
1985 1 (6A) Wentzel, Mark Manhattan 167
1994 1 (6A) West, Jesse Emporia 112
1995 1 (6A) West, Jesse Emporia 112
1972 1 (2-1A) Westfahl, Rocky Kinsley 185
1973 1 (2-1A) Westfahl, Rocky Kinsley 185
1991 1 (3-2-1A) Wheatley, Jason Immaculata 103
1992 1 (3-2-1A) Wheatley, Jason Immaculata 112
1961 1 (All) White Newton 95
1962 1 (All) White Newton 103
1973 1 (3A) Whitney, Evan Norton 138
1974 1 (2-1A) Whitney, Evan Norton 138
1988 1 (5A) Willson, Brad Newton 167
1989 1 (5A) Willson, Brad Newton 171
1945 1 (All) Winders Wichita East 103
1946 1 (All) Winders Wichita East 112
1989 1 (4A) Wolkensdorfer, Chris Scott City 140
1990 1 (4A) Wolkensdorfer, Chris Scott City 140
1979 1 (5A) Wright, Jim Kapaun Mount Carmel 98
1980 1 (5A) Wright, Jim Kapaun Mount Carmel 105
1966 1 (A-B) Wright, Lawrence Shawnee Heights Hwt
1967 1 (A-B) Wright, Lawrence Shawnee Heights Hwt
1975 1 (2-1A) Young, Mark Oberlin 126
1976 1 (2-1A) Young, Mark Oberlin 126
1984 1 (5A) Zeeman, Eric Salina Central 138
1986 1 (5A) Zeeman, Eric Salina Central 145
1956 1 (All) Zweygardt Saint Francis 138
1957 1 (All) Zweygardt Saint Francis 145

Will Cokeley
Re: Kansas 2xers before 2001 [Re: Cokeley] #215937 02/27/13 12:54 AM
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hugz Offline
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Jeremy Vath was a 2-time champ at Salina Central

1993 (5A) 135
1994 (5A) 140

Re: Kansas 2xers before 2001 [Re: hugz] #215940 02/27/13 01:42 AM
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thorgan Offline
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2 of the men on this list are currently on the Seaman High School wrestling staff. Jon Ray Clay Center 89-90 and Chad Flores Silver Lake 96-97. Where are some of the others on the list coaching?

Re: Kansas 2xers before 2001 [Re: thorgan] #215942 02/27/13 01:50 AM
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KSwrestler103 Offline
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They have Ryan Frazier listed as Harmen but he was at Kapaun both times.

Re: Kansas 2xers before 2001 [Re: KSwrestler103] #215951 02/27/13 03:02 AM
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Bronco Wrestler Offline
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Scott Urban (Atwood) is the head coach at Atwood-Rawlins County
Josh Lattimer (Ft. Scott) is the Head Football Coach at Ellsworth Community College

Alex R. Ryan
KSHSAA Official #15616
USAWKS Official #707
Re: Kansas 2xers before 2001 [Re: Bronco Wrestler] #215962 02/27/13 07:19 AM
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jaguarfan Offline
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Chris Saferite (Augusta 1999 and 2001) is at Andover Central.

Re: Kansas 2xers before 2001 [Re: jaguarfan] #215994 02/27/13 03:34 PM
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Cokeley Offline OP
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Dylan Campbell 1999 - 112, 2001 - 145

Will Cokeley
Re: Kansas 2xers before 2001 [Re: Cokeley] #216003 02/27/13 04:24 PM
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Chuck Rodriguez Offline
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The weight classes were changed in 1995. The actual weight class was 100 lbs in 1995.

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