Reed did place at Virginia Beach last season. I can see that it is tough to make that list, but to say that there is a long list of people before him is ridiculous.
There was long list of teams before yours in the final state standings.
This comment is totally out of line! Thanks for you support of Dustin, Coach Pigorsch! I'm sorry it opened you up to a classless attack.
Classless attack??? It was a statement of fact, not even an attack. I didn't condone Ryne's tactless comment either but if I was in Brandon's shoes I would refrain posting on this forum and focus on the problems in my own house. CC was first in 2010 and last in 2013. That is a tremendous fall in a very short amount of time. I like Brandon as a person but ultimately if you are a coach you are going to be judged by the results of your team. If that is classless then I am guilty. Most found some humor in it.
I might define classless as being a coach tabling an official to have him check a wrestler for a mouthpiece so your wrestler can actually post a point on the scoreboard.