I find it astonishing how butt-hurt people get over petty little comments on here. We freaking wrestle! We're in a contact sport where both guys are trying to inflict pain on the other, and yet people boo hoo on here all time because they get criticized. If you can't take it then get out.
Dustin Reed,
I already apologized to your mom and changed my comment and I'm sorry i hurt your feelings too. Here's why I think other wrestlers are on the list and you're are not:
1. Some of your matches are too close. I honestly thought you were going to pin your way through the state tournament this year, because I thought you were that much better than everyone else.
2. Over your career you've lost some matches that I didn't think you would lose.
3. Your lack of summer exposure. You have the body type for a great greco wrestler and every year I was a little disappointed you didn't go to fargo.
As for my dad's comment about your coach. He wasn't bashing your brother at all he was simply stating that he thought, as well as a lot other, the stunt your coach pulled to get a point against Taylor was a cowardice act. That was the only point Taylor gave up that year at state and lets be honest, if it weren't for that he would't have given up any. You and I both know that Taylor didn't where his mouth piece when he was at Colby, so since your coach was still upset Taylor had transferred he took advantage of that. I wouldn't be surprised if Sims was hoping Taylor didn't have his mouth piece at all so he would have to ID.
As for people getting disrespected on here, you won't get any sympathy from me. Every year I took beef on here. Freshman year after I won state people got on here saying "Oh if he would've had Sharky he probably wouldn't have won." So what I did was worked my butt off and won it again to. Then people would say "If Trent Cox would've stayed at Andale, he probably wouldn't have won it." My high school continuously gets bashed on here for "recruiting" even though everyone on that team this year with the exception of the Hensleys is originally from the KC area. Heck most of them went parishes that feed into SJA. Do you get the picture here?
The best way to deal with critics is to show them up. Not tell everyone your feelings are hurt.