Originally Posted By: Railroaders91
X we can agree to disagree on this i still take thibault over becker in a close match probably overtime who knows it could be reversed. The only thing i have to go on is Alex handled ortiz 5 to 1 at carroll and of course Ben beat ortiz in overtime. Alex only loss was in 2nd overtime to Gehring also a fine wrestler. Who really knows i do think after blackwell it's open to question definitely no more than 1 point difference between alex, becker and gehring. All would represent kansas well and are shut down defensive wrestlers with offense when they need it.

I hear you and after this I think I am done with it (I hope, we'll see) and I have done what I can to promote my pick. Becker, Thibault and Gehring are close for sure and you couldn't go wrong with either one. I just feel that Ben never got a chance to wrestle them and prove he could beat them so its not fair to just have them above him, especially when he won state this year and got second last year losing to Williams by one. Becker did not lose to a Kansas wrestler this year so why is he punished?
I hear you about Thibault beating Ortiz and so did Gehring. But they both beat a sophomore with a high growth curve in December. Ben had to beat him in the state finals after he had been through a tough NW schedule, a season of great coaching, the City League tournament, Regional, and three matches at State. BIG DIFFERENCE. Also, I was working the table at the match and as far as I am concerned, Becker "handled" Ortiz. He took him down three times on the edge but not once got the call. All three would have been takedowns in college with continuation. Plus the only reason it went into overtime is because of a penalty point on what I believe were some junk ass calls. Becker rode him for an entire period as well. Of course I know Prichard might disagree, and I don't want to take anything away from Ortiz or disrespect him because he wrestled a heck of a match.
I do have the utmost respect for Chief though and I do respect Chief's right to pick who he wants because it is his team. I know Chief has respect for Becker and digs him like me because we talked at state. Like I said, I would just hope that Becker at least got an invite as an alternate because he sure has earned it.
More importantly though, let me state that Chief is a great thing for Kansas wrestling and I greatly appreciate all of his efforts to promote and support Kansas wrestling and increase the opportunities that Kansas wrestlers have to wrestle and improve.