Originally Posted By: Cokeley
Originally Posted By: Maize Wrestling
Originally Posted By: Cokeley

Wake up! There is NO DEBATE here. The question is do you want develop wrestlers or do you want to discourage our KIDS. The Zach Campbells and Chad Beesons of this topic need to agree that is what is happening even if they don't agree with the rule. At least that way they can admit they are not willing to change to improve. .


Your right there is no debate. It was voted on and your position did not pass!

What are you arguing for? In one post you want the HS Elite to take a break in another you say they aren't getting better by wrestling 14 and Under. How would they get better by taking a break. Did every kid that was successful in the past follow your plan?

Those that want to wrestle HS can, those that want to get better can, those that do not want to getter better can chose not to! Remember this is a free country!

I am against anyone being punished for their success! I am all for change to make the sport better. I do not feel that making rules that limit what one can and cannot due based on their success or failure make anyone better!

Last but not least I have the choice to not agree with you!

Zach Campbell

I didn't recommend the elite take a break.

7th and 8th graders should not be punished for their inability to have four months of HS practice and competition with a professional coaching staff. 8th graders don't have an opportunity to compete for a HS state championship. This is if for them. Honestly, this is going to seem harsh but your comment that I am trying to punish wrestlers because of their success is about the dumbest comment I have seen on this forum. Sorry, just calling it like I see it. They get two shots at winning a state title in Folkstyle and way better preparation. We are punishing the 7th and 8th graders by letting the HS kids move DOWN to wrestle them. I understand your interpretation but the rule to eliminate state placers was a compromise. I don't feel that ANY HS wrestlers should be allowed to wrestle 14U.

I see it as opportunity not punishment. The freshmen have wrestled better competition all year and gotten better, let the 8th graders do the same for three weeks. One year of wrestling 14U is not going to make or break any careers. Most High School Freshman wrestled 14U, that's all they had, and they all turned out fine.

One quick question for Chief, and I have not researched this, but....Doesn't Oklahoma have a 15U Division? This would put Freshmen and Sophomores against 7th and 8th graders. This would now bring the count to 2 states that allow this to happen. With a little research we may find more.

Unnecessary Roughness is Necessary