Welcome to Kansas Coach Phillips

Kansas College Wrestling Fund Committee: Please call or e-mail if you have any questions.

Sean McCarthy – Chairman (913) 579-1835 – cell, e-mail - smokeycabin@hotmail.com

Will Cokeley - Vice Chairman (708) 267-6615 – cell, e-mail – willcokeley@gmail.com

Bill Peterman – Secretary (913) 626-4459 – cell, e-mail – billpeterman@hotmail.com

USA Wrestling – Kansas Inc. – Treasurer (Mike Juby – e-mail – mikejuby@usawks.com)

Wayne Petterson – College Coach – (620) 431-2820 Extension 210 work, e-mail wpetterson@neosho.edu

David Nordhues - College Coach - (O) 785 460 5503 (C) 308 750 2745

Ryan Smith – College Coach – (316) 617-9025, e-mail smithry@newmanu.edu

Steve Woody – USAWKS – Corporate Board Director (District IV Director) (785) 626-3309, e-mail stripes@ruraltel.net

Travis Keal – Kansas HS Coach Mill Valley, Previous KWCA - President, (913) 645-6050 – cell, e-mail tkeal@att.net

Jeff Butler – Wrestling Supporter (808) 230-1371 – cell, e-mail jrod400@aol.com

Dan Harris - Dan.Harris@bakeru.edu

If you have any questions on how to help - feel free to contact any of the KCWF committee members.