I believe in keeping wrestling an Olympic sport, but I see all of these fund raisers and t-shirts being sold and organizations taking donations and saying %100 of the proceeds go toward the fund. My question is; Why should there be a "monetary fund" to support a committee that is all "non-profit) (IOC) - how do we know that someone isn't just trying to take advantage of us? Why does it cost money to be heard? Just our petitions alone should suffice. We are a governed body and the only way this will get resolved is by having our fearless leaders voice their opinions, not by making donations. Society has taken advantage of caring individuals as we are and making us believe that if we spend enough, changes will be made. T-shirts of course are great because it makes others aware and makes a visual connection with people who may not even know what is going on in the wrestling world.
I work on the website for the Americas Crown Series, I changed the homepage to have a "Save Olympic Wrestling" link. It consisted of the 5 Olympic Rings and was linked to the
http://www.change.org website. About 24 hours after I made the change public, USA Wrestling contacted the ACW director (Bill) and asked that they be removed. Here is the word for word email from USA Wrestling:
i think they want the rings in the lower part of the america crown banner to come off. probably should do this asap.
welcome to my world.
someone who is a state chairmen with usa wrestling, i am sure did the complaining. jeolousy and incompetence drive most usaw state chairs.
the picture of nate was provided by him, and is an historic statement of fact. it stays up.
thanks for your immediate attention on this
------- Original Message ------- On 3/5/2013 10:01 PM Tiffany Clark wrote:
We received the following email today from someone on your email list. Please be aware that it is illegal and a violation of the Olympic Charter to use the Olympic Rings for commercial purposes. We know you are trying to help our cause, but wanted you to be aware of this violation. Please make sure to refrain from using the Olympic rings in future marketing.
Tiffany Clark
Coordinator of National Events
USA Wrestling
6155 Lehman Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Phone: 719/598-8181, ext. 601
Fax: 719/598-9440
www.usawrestlingevents.comI am not trying to distinguish any efforts being made to save the sport, I am just making you aware that things aren't all that they seem. Are we actually saving the sport with money, or filling someone else's pockets? I pray that money IS actually being used for good, but how do we tell?
This may be of interest:
http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/20/olympics-wrestling-bulgaria-idUSL4N0BK4XK20130220Please don't be offended by my comments. It's not that I don't want to help, but I (as many of us I'm sure) have been burned in the past with monetary charities that were never successful. My brother used to give me 5 bucks not to tell Mom he beat the crap outta me. He funded an unsucessful fund. Problem is, he never learned his lesson over, and over, and over - I always had money at the arcade, and he was always grounded, what a moron...