I love to watch a little more wrestling and the line ups should prove to be entertaining....my only question would be...
Big has a 113 wrestler at 106... A 120 at 113....a 126 at 120....a 160 at 152 ...and my biggest question of all is why is a 4a wrestler listed as wrestling for the Big schools?.....isn't Aaron Puckett 4A...
The line-ups were shifted down to get every Sr. State champ that accepted an invitation a match. It is difficult to find senior wrestlers in the lowest weight classes- and only seniors can wrestle per KSHSAA rules. Most of the kids moving down wrestled light all season so the actual weight differences should be minimal hopefully.
The Puckett vs Ochs Match is listed as a "Premiere exhibition" because it features 2 undefeated state champs. This was the best match-up we could find, and something we thought the kids would be excited about in addition to the fans attending and watching on line. We intended to have a 2nd at heavy weight with 2 big school kids wrestling, but unfortunately that has fallen through.