The NAIA was very impressed with the Expocentre, Visit Topeka, and USAW-Kansas!

I went to the NAIA in Des Moines and the tourney was held in a re-furbished building (guessing a 60 year old bldg) at the fairgrounds! The Expo may need some lipstick but she has great bones and works well for wrestling!

Plus there were other aspects of the entire package besides the Expo! The proximity of the Capital Plaza was a huge selling point! And being the only National tourney in town was a bonus also!!

The contract that was signed was a very extensive document! Tons of work and thought went in to this, over several years!! Another item that sold the NAIA was the support that the Expo, Visit Topeka and USAWKS offered!

I am looking forward to another opportunity for Kansas to shine!!

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
USAW Kansas
KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison
Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant