It is, he was that way at Salina TOC also. I watched him stare down 3 coaches during the finals alone for about 10 seconds each time (he was back up official) talked to coaches like I talk to my 10 year old when I have told him to do something 10 times and have had enough. I get that it is a hard job and I don't do it but I have been around wrestling for 20+ years and best I can recall he is the worst I have ever seen based on presentation and attitude towards coaches. I will say he is technically very good just the outward presentation is horrible and that does make a impact on coaches. Treat everyone with respect until given an legit reason not to. Some of these coaches have won State High School titles and wrestled in college you can't assume everyone is loud mouth arrogant dad with no experience and treat them like you are better.

I also know who you speak of with your other reference. We have had him several times this year with little to no issues. That being said I didn't see your match so can't speak directly of it.

We as coaches are always going to have slanted views of whats being called, I just hope my kids don't leave it in the hands of the official. That is not always doable and it kills you inside when they screw something up and there is no way to explain it the kids.

Maybe we need develop a better training/evaluation system. There seems to always be a 100 Moms filming, maybe coaches can cut portions out and send it in and ask for clarification or interpretation. I understand we don't have the time or assets for and instant review but this could be done the following week and if nothing else we all might learn something from the results. Not looking to overturn matches just a open honest learning idea.