Beeson "I witnessed an official try to give 2 points for a third stall call. Another official had to come over and inform her of the correct call."

It actually happened more than once, they weren't just attempts, they actually made the call. One resulted in going into overtime and the kid with the "stall call" was merely setting up a shot, not stalling, but faking/re-shooting/backing up a bit to get what seemed to be their appropriate distance. Also, MAT 8, girl with the glasses, she called potentially dangerous 2 X in a match when a kid (not mine or the club) was doing a textbook stand up and simply peeling the hands, not 1 or 2 fingers, the hands... I agree, many of these were newbies and should not have been trained at state. The young Stanley kid and that other young man that received the award did a splendid job this weekend. Respectful, courteous, and quick to explain reason... bravo to them

Jimmy Moison - Lawrence Elite Wrestling Club
785-224-7349 -