Junior-113 - Parker Howell's place is unknown.
Match #1 Parker Howell (Kansas) over Isaac Blackburn (California) TF 7-0
Match #2 Parker Howell (Kansas) over Brett Stevens (Iowa) TF 7-0
Match #3 Parker Howell (Kansas) over Brad Osatiuk (Minnesota) TF 8-0

Parker scores a 5 while he was being leg-fouled!!!

Junior-113 - Josiah Seaton's place is unknown.
Match #1 Josiah Seaton (Kansas) over Nathan Humann (North Dakota) TF 7-0
Match #2 Josiah Seaton (Kansas) over JT Ayers (Oregon) TF 15-6
Match #3 Josiah Seaton (Kansas) over Trent Skelton (Washington) TF 10-2

Last edited by usawks1; 07/15/13 10:14 PM.

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
USAW Kansas
KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison
Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant