Junior-152 - Conner Maynard's place is unknown.
Match #1 Jonathan Viruet (Massachusetts) over Conner Maynard (Kansas) TF 11-0

Junior-160 - Matt Pratt's place is unknown.
Match #1 David-Brian Whisler (Ohio) over Matt Pratt (Kansas) Dec 11-2

Junior-170 - Johnny Perz's place is unknown.
Match #1 Zachary Benkovich (Illinois) over Johnny Perz (Kansas) TF 10-0

Junior-170 - Jared Johnson's place is unknown.
Match #1 Jared Johnson (Kansas) over James Bridges (North Dakota) TF 14-3

Junior-170 - Dylan Wiesner's place is unknown.
Match #1 Zach Beard (Oklahoma) over Dylan Wiesner (Kansas) TF 12-0

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
USAW Kansas
KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison
Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant