Originally Posted By: FalconCoach
It was not clear in the rules meeting b/c it was not addressed at all! It only addressed filming from the coaches area. It said "NOTHING" about Mike Church or his fans filming a match that did not involve his or their athlete. Yes, I have seen at least 5 times in my coaching and wrestling career a parent being asked to leave a gym for filming kids that were not theirs. I agree, it's dumb now... but it was the rule!!!!

The NFHS Rule has changed and does for Kansas if the state agreed to follow the rule. The Manual did not state that we were following the rule and in fact stated it was still prohibited!

Now there is an email between one man and Mark Lentz out there which I 100% agree probably took place. But is Mark talking about filming opponents or is he talking about filming ouR own kids in competition. This is not clear! This rule has not changed until Mark Lentz publicly changes it with the AD's and Coaches. When that happens... guess what.. we have new rule effective that date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So all filming of an opponent not involved with your athlete prior to the new KSHSAA Rule release (When/If it comes out) was in fact..... Against the rules based on what is published!

Rules are not a secret society! They are for everyone and if only 4 people in the state know that this was the intention to follow the rule based on NFHS... then it's not a rule. It becomes a rule the day KSHSAA PUBLICLY acknowledges the change from that day forward.


And There You Have It!

The rule is not stated to apply to spectators. Sorry, if you want to go down this path lets go. I am not agreeing that the rule was broken. The statement at the rules meeting was clear. Kansas is adopting the NFHS rule for recording. It can be done in the corner AND reviewed at any time. NFHS also clearly states that ANY recording is permissible. That is as clear as it gets. I think the rule was misapplied in ALL of the instances you mentioned. I thoroughly read the manual and there is absolutely NO mention of this rule applying to spectators, family members, media personnel, etc. It is clear to me that it ONLY applies to coaches, competitors and school employees/team affiliates. Those filming on Saturday did NOT fit into any of these categories. I would take my chances in front of Judges Wapner or Judy. :-) Lets get Jerry Springer to line it up!

If it were a violation for recording then why has KSHSAA never gone after youtube posters?? Selective enforcement is not a good practice.

Will Cokeley