Thank you GNR. But notice all anyone wants to comment on is the out of bounds/riding time etc. Not one person commented on the HGH issue. I believe if it's illegal in pro/college/olympic sports then it damn sure should be illegal in high school. The argument from KSHSAA is that they don't know how to test and they are afraid of testing a kid and it being negative and them getting sued. They don't worry about a lawsuit by family of a kid that is hurt by an athelete that is on these things and KSHSAA knowingly turns their backs. There are 3 states that test. Texas, New Jersey and Illinois. Now we will hear the argument of well my son is on them because he's to small. So what now? Do we screw 99% of the kids because of the 1% that need these things? Or do we say make the choice? Sports or HGH. KSHSAA WILL NOT address these issues because they don't care. Google any of the "pins" and they will lead you to "fitness" websites for bodybuilding. Here is a quote from one of these sites----

Welcome to the Bodybuilding Site! Please join this discussion about Norditropin HGH within the Anabolic Steroids category.

I have sat back and said nothing waiting for this subject to come up. Bash me all you want I don't care. KSHSAA is cowards for not doing the right thing for once. I have visited with them on this before and they want to bury their heads in the sand and make rules restricting travel or weigh in rules. How do high school kids gain 50-70 lbs in one season. I would never single any kid out but what kind of parent or doctor in their right mind would do this I don't know. Bash me if you want hell bar me from the forum I DON'T CARE. IF IT's WRONG IT'S WRONG.
Now let the trash talk begin.

PS- KSHSAA wake the hell up.

Well you're just a special kind of stupid aren't you?