Originally Posted By: fan of the sport
I have to agree with Willy on the riding time (but not on soccer card). I see so many guys get on top that just maintain postition so the bottom guy doesn't score. IMO 90% of stalling is on the top man when in referees postion. With riding time, you're promoting the top man to just hang on and stall. We want to create action for the sport, not less action. Why do people think the bottom man wants to stay on bottom. If my kids are on bottom, they're more likely to get pinned, put in a near fall, use more energy than the top man because he has his weight on him and loose opportunity to score an escape or reversal.

On college wrestling, to you think riding time makes it better. To the general fan, its boring seeing a guy just ride for two minutes. Wrestling is more exciting on the feet. Also this would be an administrative nightmare. Do ADs or coaches want to find and maybe pay an additional competent person to run the riding time clock. You would have to find that person for every Varsity and JV match. Also would be an additional distraction for the ref to make sure the riding time clock is going the right direction. I've wrestled in college and even ran table on the clock, and the clock easily gets screwed up. I think college wrestling needs to get rid of the riding time clock.

THANKS. Some one finally agrees with me. And, don't get hung up on the RED CARD--its a term and I use it to tug Cokeley's chain. Bill Mason

Last edited by WillyM; 01/22/14 02:28 PM.

Bill Mason Lansing