Originally Posted By: WillyM
3 or 4 years ago I saw Ryne Cokeley reverse a match and win the match in the last 1 or 2 seconds. I saw Bo Pursel do do the same thing in the last couple of seconds. In this year's BOBCAT I saw Tagen Lambotte reverse the match at the last second and beat Issac Dulgarian. These were/are historic matches that wrestlers and fans will remember and talk about for years. No one will remember or care that Johnny Nobody beat Joey Noname by riding points. What would have been the results if RC, or Bo, or Tagen had decided to just lay on the mat and let their opponents build riding points..............I forgot, what was their names again!!!!! Maybe we can go watch a quilting bee--one of the old ladies might stick her finger with a needle and we may get to see some blood----now wont that be exciting?????

Riding is "maintaining" a position---not "improving" a position. Boring-Boring-boring!

I remember BO's match. Ryne never trailed in the 3rd and won at the Bobcat. He trailed the whole match and lost to CJ Napier where NO second stalling was made by Mr. Conover.

Will Cokeley