Originally Posted By: Cokeley
I get the technical issues with riding time but those are WAY easier to fix than the inconsistency and incompetency I see by the men in stripes blowing the whistle. I have seen kids back up for 5 minutes and never get the FIST but Saturday night I saw the fist go up twice in less than 15 seconds without ANY change in position. It is not stalling when two wrestlers are tied up and one is pushing the other backwards. Stalemate it and see who backs up on the restart. Stalling is FAR too subjective in my opinion. Any official who has never wrestled has NO clue how to apply this rule.

Cokely, But how will implementing riding change stalling? I think riding time promotes more stalling. Out of all the positions currently (Neutral, Top or Bottom), which postion has the most incentive to stall. Its top of course, and you're going to reward them for taking less risks and to just hold on. Wrestlers will attempt less pinning combinations because it would be more risky if they and lost the bottom wrestler. You will have more fans and coaches yelling stalling on top.

I agree there is a total inconsistency on stalling calls. I blame it partially on training of the referees. When I reffed in Kansas, you only had to pass a test and go to to a meeting in a classroom to get a license. And in the meetings, there was no emphasis on stalling. I did referee in the St Louis Area, and they had more meetings and had a training class on the mat put on by the officials association and specific stalling situations were addressed. The head official also always spoke about of consistency on stalling and worked a lot with younger refs. Also they had a official who was paid to observe referees and gave evaluations.

Also, I think I've only ever met one referee that never wrestled and that was a woman. She was also a good ref.

Last edited by fan of the sport; 01/22/14 08:22 PM.

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